Personal Growth
Anxiety and Mood Management


    Imagine a landscape with translucent, pale blue waves softly breaking at the shore of a pristine beach. Now imagine standing in a torrential rainstorm with a loud clap of thunder and lightning as you watch cloudy, violent waves crash into the shore. These scenes elicit different feelings. In the same way, our inscapes, which are our inner mental worlds, elicit different feelings. Oftentimes, people fall into patterns of thinking or patterns of behavior without awareness around how these thoughts and behaviors are directing their lives and impacting their relationships with others. Seemingly living on autopilot, they don’t recognize the power they have to step back and become the observer of their inner mental world. Exploring the inscape with curiosity and compassion can open a door to a new way of living.

    By becoming the observer of your internal world, you can gain insight and understanding of beliefs, thoughts, and feelings that can create what feels like rainstorms in our minds. You can learn coping skills for navigating intense feelings, like anger or anxiety, so they do not control your behavior. You can rewrite disempowering narratives that lead to anxiety, sadness, or conflict with others, and you can clarify boundaries you might need to have with others. Through this process, you can learn to strengthen the relationship with yourself, so you can create the life you want.


  • Explore and focus

    It starts with exploring your inscape in order to understand how and why it was constructed. You will then focus on the changes you would like to create.

  • Reflect and Reframe

    Next, you’ll reflect on what may be blocking you from creating this change. It may be a subconscious belief that you have not yet realized is there. You will learn to challenge and reframe negative beliefs and change behaviors that are preventing you from reaching your goals.

  • Refine

    The last step? You learn how to continually refine what you’ve learned. Think of this as your new beginning.